ThyotaMetamorphosis follows Thyota, our main protagonist tasked with the ultimate burden for their kin: self-sacrifice. As a Protector of the Ocean, Thyota has the ability to consume toxins and use energy to restore dying environments. With the imminent risk of extinction of many creatures and the loss of their home on the line, Thyota must use their power in order to save Coral Forest and the ocean at the cost of their own life.
Mysterious Goo MonsterThe Goo Monster has infected the Mother Coral, draining her energy and using her connections to spread its toxins throughout the ocean. The Goo Monster's body is composed of poisonous substances that leeches life from those it comes in contact with. Thyota uses their power to rid the environment of the Goo Monster's trail of goo it leaves behind, but harms themself in the process.